Monday, February 11, 2008

Carneval (5 of 5)

I guess I did promise five carneval posts, didn't I? So I'll tell you a little bit about the last day. The weather had already turned a bit the night before, and as we went out, while not raining, it was still a little icky. You could begin to see the wear of partying for three days straight in the faces of the people still out, beer in hand, and bobbing methodically to the music. Things were a little calmer, as the floats began to file out from their spots in the town center.
But there was still a lot of excitement in the air; it just took some searching to come across it. I guess the real hard core carneval folks hang out in the back streets, because after we left the main squares, the streets were filled with costumed people banging on drums, and playing brass instruments. Where they found the energy for this, I have no idea, but it was still very entertaining to watch.

While I think carneval sort of wore Michelle and I out a little bit, it was sad to see it go. I think the streets seem so much quieter now, which is sad, but at least it was fun while it lasted. Oh, and Michelle found the group where she belonged...

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